August 08, 2011

Barack Hijacks Constitution

Here is the link to the article Budget Control Act is Unconstitutional that exposes how the Junta just pirated the US ship of state with the passage of the Budget Control Act. Constitution be damned. Representative democracy be damned. A close reading reveals that it is not really the Gang of 12 that will finance the ship of state. It is the Jefe in the WH (and his Caballeros) who just got the default power to keep raising the debt ceiling at his (their) whim, ad infinitum. The Control Act is the Golden Goose they needed to finance Obama Care, endless Stimuli, wars, whatever.
Budget Control Act is Unconstitutional

Also see Betsy McCaughey's article Obama Gets Automatic Debt-Ceiling Hikes on the effects of the Budget Control Act.

Jolly Roger


Ship Hijacker


Down the AA+ Hole
